Become a ScarWork therapist


Therapists from many different modalities can train in Sharon Wheeler’s ScarWork, from massage/sports therapists to sexologists, physiotherapists to chiropractors, reflexologists to Emmett Technique and  Bowen therapists.  The four-day training course (or two x two-day course) is open to qualified, hands on, bodywork therapists with a minimum of one year’s clinical experience.
ScarWork is a light touch therapy, easy on the practitioner and the client.  We teach a series of techniques, but primarily we are teaching you an approach – how to look at scars, how to feel for adhesions and assess their effect on the client, and how to work with them.  We cannot get rid of scar tissue, but we believe that it can be softened and thus more integrated into the fascial network.
ScarWork may consist of a series of techniques, but once a therapist is experienced, they will start to work instinctively with their hands, adapting and responding to the needs of the tissue and facilitating its softening and relaxation.


Training with Jan Trewartha


Once you have completed the four-day training, there are additional courses you can take to increase your knowledge and confidence in dealing with certain types of scars.

Working with pelvic and abdominal scarring

A 3-day course open to qualified Sharon Wheeler’s ScarWork therapists only.  Revision and new techniques for working with pelvic and abdominal scars, restructuring the pelvic tissues and working with torque, taking tissue integration to the next level once the initial ScarWork treatment has been completed.